Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Facial Sauna is a wonderful way to cleanse and relax your skin

A facial sauna is a wonderful way to cleanse and relax the skin, encourage the release of nutrients, and eliminate toxins from your skin. For an extra treat add some of your favorite herbs.

Some herbs to add to your facial sauna:
Camomile- soothing and cool
Fennel- stimulating and soothing
Geranium - healing and rejuvenating
Lavender - the flowers and leaves are antiseptic
Lemon Balm - soothing and astringent

1. Remove any make up and tie your hair back.

2. Boil a pan of water and pour it into a heatproof bowl. Add your favorite herbs to the water.

3. With a towel draped over your head, lean forward over the bowl , allowing the hot steam to rise and cleanse your face.

4. Remain in the same position for 15 minutes to allow enough time for the pores to open.

After the steam sauna, don't rub or massage your skin. Leave it to dry of its own accord before applying a facemask. If you have thin blood vessels or severe skin blemishes and want to use a facemask to get rid of them, don't use a facial sauna first before it will aggravate the problem.

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